What a year it has been so far and I mean - wow - because I have been in quarantine for a month already this year. I started the year off with a blast and jumping into the sea on January 1st before we had to quarantine and I was in Ireland for an extended stay due to Corona quarantine restrictions. Once that was over I landed back to Germany, started my next Lingoda course and went about improving my German.
Once the Lingoda course took hold, I felt the urge to start meeting people and what do you know, I got Corona. Not only did I catch Corona but was already diagnosed with a chest and kidney infection so my system was already weak and waylayed by all the antibiotics I had to take for both. Seven days into quarantine, I felt a bit more energetic, although still not great as I was still coughing and spluttering with the chest infection and kidneys - I went to get tested in the test centre and remained positive for a further FIVE days. I felt like I was in Corona Jail. It is now May and once I finished Corona, worked a few days before heading to Ireland for a long awaited 10 days at home with the family. While it was a great experience and adventure being home. I must say, I am glad to land on my feet again as it was a lot more overwhelming than I anticipated. Like I said, it is now May and I have already spent a month in quarantine/sick/stuck indoors and I am very much an outdoor/adventurous person so this wasn't the best for me. I found this more challenging mentally and emotionally than the previous two years of the Pandemic so I would say, yes, I fell at the last hurdle emotionally. I built up some resentment based on not having my life together and being overwhelmed for the last several weeks. I had to drop out of the Lingoda sprint as I couldn't speak/use my voice box at that point and when I did, I coughed up a storm in the classes. It has been the most disruptive part of the year so far and I am now ready to embrace life again - fully - 100% ready for that. So now is the time, now is the time I am ready for living again and hopefully more consistently too without the tremendous ups and downs - although riding emotions like waves is the best way to do it (just accepting them as they come and letting them pass), I am still finding myself looking at where I am at in life and wanting, no craving, the next adventure. So here is to the next adventure ahead this year... watch this space. Here I come Frankfurt ;-) Comments are closed.