This week I am posting a video on Study Plans and I draw comparisons with fitness challenges although this current plan I have also integrates study with German and uses Pomodoros too. We are forever improving and learning throughout the process and I can now add my current fitness/learning plan - fitness and German ;-) I already feel much stronger and can hold planks and other exercises for longer. I have integrated an extra activity in this 21 day plan so instead of doing 3 activities I now do 4 and will stick with 4 * 30 seconds before integrating a new activity at the end of the 21 days. I have also recognised that instead of having two different plans for fitness and German, I have put these together. I will also start integrating my YouTube video production plans within this and choose dates according to the schedule. As I mention within the video, I add in different German activities based on my fitness activities as this is based on time throughout the day. I know on my rest days I can integrate more German and I know on my fitness days I use those days to listen and do exercises with 'Easy German' and on other days like Sundays where I am not working, I integrate two German activities and reward myself with an 'adventure' every weekend so that may include trying something different or going hiking somewhere else instead of the usual places - this is also good for my brain too. This plan for me represents structure and discipline as well as happiness. Discipline and accomplishing goals for me brings me joy and I love being outside, going for runs as well as improving myself too. I love being able to share some tips and tricks as well as I have learnt so much and you can see the plans evolving as I learn more from the first plan in May versus now in July. I can say now that I do roughly 11 butterfly sit-ups in the 30 second timeframe so I can estimate in the next plan that I will aim to do roughly 15 of them and instead of using time I will progress into amount of reps so I will end up doing 15 * 4 reps which makes a total of 60. The same will go for the plank drop downs, planks themselves will need to stick with time as it's a stationary activity. I have also integrated several rest days so that I can recover and then do longer workouts on my fitness days. As I said at the beginning this is all a learning process and always improving, always growing, always creating and moving towards the goal. The goal is inevitable and at the same time I know that I can remain flexible based on previous plans where there was 'a dip' in both motivation and health as my stomach wasn't the best and that's okay. I know this is long-term and will get there slowly but surely with every action that I take. I am so grateful and happy that I am back to fitness and healthy again. It's really great being able to get up and have energy all day. I appreciate my body and what it has been through and my mind as well as it has overcome a lot. I can now look back and recognise how far I have come and with plans like this too I can see even since May and having stomach issues how much it has impacted me and how I am stronger now as a result. It's all a learning process and we're all growing. On a side note I recognise procrastination - I posted a video on this on my channel too - I know what I can do to overcome it if and when it happens and thankfully since May and stomach issues, this hasn't been the case! Enjoy making plans and going towards your goal - you can do it, stick with a plan and adjust as needed and remember to be flexible in your mind and it will be inevitable in accomplishing your goal when there are hurdles on the way. |