The Event: The National University of Ireland, Galway, in conjunction with the NCE-MSTL (UL) and MACSI (UL), invite you to attend the annual Women in Mathematics Day, Ireland. This free event takes place on the 1st May 2014 in the School of Education, NUI Galway. The day will include presentations and posters by women active in mathematics, mathematics education and industry, at a variety of career stages. Keynote Speakers on the day include: Dr. Patricia Eaton (Stanmillis University College, Belfast) Head of Continuing Education; Teacher Education Dr. Fiona Blighe (Science Foundation Ireland) Scientific Programme Officer Purpose:
The aim of the event is to bring together those passionate about mathematics and to demonstrate the variety of opportunities available to those engaged in mathematics/mathematics education. It is an opportunity to hear some inspirational talks and to informally chat to others at different career stages. While this is an occasion particularly for women active in mathematics to get together, men are certainly not excluded from this event. Comments are closed.