I am thankful that this part of my life is finished and I can do plenty of sports again having completed my first triathlon last year, learning how to swim was a tremendous undertaking and having the right team made it so enjoyable. I am so appreciative of the women that I met setting up that 10 friends triathlon team. They have been a central part of my life in Germany and I am delighted that we could train together at the weekends as well as now currently using zoom during this Corona crisis. We have swam, ran, hiked, and had plenty of great conversations together. I am so lucky that I got to do that last year especially as this year's turn of events changed the possibility of training even though we were looking forward to possibly entering a new race. So here are the main things that I learnt from the heart surgeries and the clarity that was achieved as a result of my life being turned upside down in a flash.
It can happen easily that we can lose our good mindset or attitude towards life in toxic environments or think that we have lost it and give up our own power but this is within us, within our own minds and our own control. It is something that needs to be flexed like any muscle and a reminder to us all that WE choose our thoughts, WE choose our own perceptions and WE can overcome the challenges that lie before us with great fortitude and resilience for what is to come is something that is a life and life knows no bounds in terms of good or bad, only experience as we ride the waves of the ebbs and flow. We can train our minds to be flexible and adaptable like the greatest of all species that survive and I know that I survived many challenges while experiencing this time in my life. It is not only that we survive but we can thrive with the right attitude and embrace all challenges with the excitement that comes with every breath we take, every step we can walk and every kilometre that we can run and know that 'WE ARE ALIVE' and what a great privilege it is to know that and experiencing that. Embrace life for all that it is - we only have one and I LOVE MINE, I love being me, I love reading, swimming, climbing, mountains, I love the sea and smell of freshly cut grass, I love learning new things and meeting new people (when they are nice!), I love dancing, exploring and going on new adventures. I want to contribute and promote learning computers for women. I love smiling at strangers thinking that when they smile back that maybe that was the only smile they saw that day. I love watching comedy and laughing at least once a day. I love sausage dogs in particular, they are SO CUTE and melt my heart and watching videos of them running towards a camera because that is exceptionally cute and make my heart sing. I love my family. My Dad is wise and loves poetry like 'If' by Rudyard Kipling and insightful poems that would have you thinking for years. I love my sisters and home life, I love it all and would I change any of it for the world - NO. I AM ALIVE. Learn to listen to your whisper and energy flows where your attention goes. Focus on what you CAN do. You are here to experience life, how you handle it is that the journey is FUN. ![]()
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